What We Provide


Finance Analysis & Tax Services

We focus on helping companies analyze data better and make smarter decisions. Our financial analysis services provide information regarding the profitability, efficiency, liquidity and stability of the company. Our Management Team members are leaders in their field, qualified in accounting, tax, law and real estate surveying. IKOM Consulting provides client-centric tax advisory services focused on mitigating tax risk and minimizing cost.

Bookkeeping & Accounting

With so many current and incoming regulations overwhelming the business routine, it is incredibly hard for  business owners to keep track of all these accounting and taxing things. Our team of  experts is here to provide you with an assistance so that you spend less time on receipts and invoices – and more time on actually overseeing all the daily business operations of yours.

Internal Auditing & Risk Assesment

A risk management strategy provides a structured approach to identifying, assessing and managing risk. It’s an improvement cycle that incorporates regular reviews and updates based on the outcome of actions taken and new developments. Auditing can help a company accomplish its strategic objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.

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